miniDSP UMIK-1
USB calibrated measurement microphone for a plug 'n play measurement of your system.
miniDSP UMIK-2
USB Reference Measurement Microphone.
Stereo AVB DAC endpoint, PoE+ powered, Onboard Sharc DSP, Plug&Play on MAC OSx with AVB support NOTE : you can purchase this product on Special Order ( Includes delivery period )
2x125W @ 4Ω or 1 x 450W @ 4Ω DSP plate amplifier, Powered by ICEpower® 125ASX2 module, Ethernet control, FIR + IIR filters, Android & iOS app NOTE : you can purchase this product on Special Order ( Includes delivery period )
2x250W @ 4Ω or 1 x 500W @ 8Ω DSP plate amplifier, Powered by ICEpower® 250ASX2 module, Ethernet control, FIR + IIR filter NOTE : you can purchase this product on Special Order ( Includes delivery period )
SHD Power
Compact Roon Ready streaming amplifier with Dirac Live® room correction, 2 x 120Wrms power amplifier, miniDSP audio toolbox for subwoofer integration, Volumio music player, 450MHz Sharc DSP processor NOTE : you can purchase this product on Special Order ( Includes delivery period )
UMA-16 v2 USB mic array
16 channels Low cost USB microphone array, Uniform Rectangular Array (URA), 16 x raw audio ASIO driver, perfect for a DIY acoustic camera, USB to PDM interface for up to 16 x MEMS NOTE : you can purchase this product on Special Order ( Includes delivery period )
Circular USB microphone array, DSP processing for Beamforming, AEC, Noise reduction, 2ch and 8ch mode. Powered by XMOS XVF3000 new chipset NOTE : you can purchase this product on Special Order ( Includes delivery period )